We will extract 1800 Unique URLs from Google,Yahoo,bing for any specific niche you want

We will extract 1800  Unique URLs from Google,Yahoo,bing for any specific niche you want

              ****Exclusively New Service  on Fiverr **** http://fiverr.com/mariadavid

We are using the latest Ultimate Technology URL Scraper to extract the most unique website URLs  from Google , Yahoo and bing  ,it is Unique  because  it is  fresh updated monopolize the first pages  and  for any  specific targeted niche  you want to  be matched with your campaigns

Benefits from the Gig:** Top 1800 URLs 
monopolize the first pages of Google, Yahoo and bing
** Start build your unique URLs list it can be used as elite  backlinks.
** If you have  e mail extractor you can extract the most  targeted and       updated e mails address from those sites links.
** Use  the URLs for PPC advertising to get leaser targeted traffic for your Ad.

 *This software at USA market costing  more than 350$.

                  ****Order Now , enjoy the service or just 5$. 